Atena → Bandar Abbas (2024)

Atena ➔ Bandar Abbas

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' } let hasDirect = false; let flightColor = '#808080'; const deals = this.flightDeals[dep.code + arr.code]; if (typeof deals !== 'undefined') { if (deals?.some(obj => obj.isDirect === true)) { flightColor = '#0dcaf0'; hasDirect = true; } } let html = '

'; html += `

${} ${}

`; html += loadingText; if (deals?.length > 1) { html += '

'; if (hasDirect) { html += '

' + 'direct' + '

'; } html += '

' + 'escale' + '

'; html += '

' + 'ieftin' + '

'; html += '

'; } else if(deals?.length < 1 && !this.isDealsLoading) { html += 'Alege datele calatoriei' } html += '

'; return html; }, populateCalendar(dep, arr) { if (dep.code === arr.code) { return; } if (!dep || !arr || !Cookies.get('csrftoken')) { return; } const key = dep.code + arr.code; if (this.flightDeals.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.flightDeals[key].length > 0) { return; } this.getFlightDealsYear(dep, arr) .then(deals => { this.flightDeals[key] = deals this.$forceUpdate(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); }, getFlightDealsYear: function (dep, arr) { this.isDealsLoading = true; const url = '/sky_ajax/indicative/year'; const data = { is_direct: false, departure_iata: dep.code, arrival_iata: arr.code, departure_country: dep.country_code, arrival_country: arr.country_code, }; return fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'X-CSRFToken': Cookies.get('csrftoken'), 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(result => { if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length === 0) { return [] } const deals = result .sort((a, b) => { const directComparison = (b.is_direct || 0) - (a.is_direct || 0); if (directComparison !== 0) { return directComparison; } const aMinPrice = parseFloat(a.min_price || 0); const bMinPrice = parseFloat(b.min_price || 0); return aMinPrice - bMinPrice; }) .reduce((uniqueDeals, item, index, array) => { const existingDeal = uniqueDeals.find(deal => deal.dates === item.outbound_leg.date_time); if (!existingDeal) { const isCheapest = index < array.length / 3; let highlight = null; if (isCheapest) { highlight = { fillMode: 'outline', color: 'red', style: { borderWidth: '1px' }, contentStyle: { fontWeight: '500', color: 'inherit', }, } } const dotStyle = { backgroundColor: item.is_direct ? '#0dcaf0' : '#808080', } const newDeal = { key: item.quote_id, dates: item.outbound_leg.date_time, isDirect: item.is_direct, dot: {style: dotStyle}, minPrice: item.min_price, highlight: highlight }; uniqueDeals.push(newDeal); } return uniqueDeals; }, []); this.isDealsLoading = false; return deals; }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }); }, searchFlights: function () { if (this.selectedDeparture.code === this.selectedArrival.code) { $("#toast_same_origin_destination").toast("show"); } else { showLoader(); var dep = this.selectedDeparture.code; var arr = this.selectedArrival.code; var outbound_date_ymd = ''; var inbound_date_ymd = ''; outbound_date_ymd = new Date(this.oneWayDepartDate).getFullYear() + ("0" + (new Date(this.oneWayDepartDate).getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ("0" + new Date(this.oneWayDepartDate).getDate()).slice(-2); if (!this.isOneWay) { inbound_date_ymd = new Date(this.returnDate).getFullYear() + ("0" + (new Date(this.returnDate).getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ("0" + new Date(this.returnDate).getDate()).slice(-2); } var adt = this.adultsCount; var chd = this.childrenCount !== 0 ? this.childrenCount : ''; var inf = this.infantsCount !== 0 ? this.infantsCount : ''; var searchUrl = '/sky/?departure_iata=' + dep + '&arrival_iata=' + arr + '&departure_date=' + outbound_date_ymd + '&return_date=' + inbound_date_ymd + '&adt=' + adt + '&chd=' +chd + '&inf=' + inf + '&currency=' + this.selectedCurrency.code; location.href = searchUrl; } }, exchangeCities: function () { this.rotatePlane = !this.rotatePlane; const temp = this.selectedDeparture; this.selectedDeparture = this.selectedArrival; this.selectedArrival = temp; this.arrivalOptions = []; this.departureOptions = []; }, closeDropdown: function () { $('#paxDropDownBtn').dropdown('toggle'); }, decreaseAdultsCount: function () { if (this.passengersCount > 1 && this.adultsCount > this.infantsCount && this.adultsCount > 1) { this.adultsCount--; } }, increaseAdultsCount: function () { if (this.adultsCount < 8 && this.passengersCount < 8) { this.adultsCount++; } }, decreaseChildrenCount: function () { if (this.childrenCount > 0 && this.passengersCount > 1) { this.childrenCount--; } }, increaseChildrenCount: function () { if (this.childrenCount < 8 && this.passengersCount < 8) { this.childrenCount++; } }, decreaseInfantsCount: function () { if (this.infantsCount > 0 && this.passengersCount > 1 && this.infantsCount <= this.adultsCount) { this.infantsCount--; } }, increaseInfantsCount: function () { if (this.infantsCount < 4 && this.infantsCount < this.adultsCount && this.passengersCount < 8) { this.infantsCount++; } }, setIsOneWay: function () { this.isOneWay = true; }, setIsRoundTrip: function () { const storedReturnDate = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('zd_retDate')); if (!storedReturnDate) { const departDate = new Date(this.oneWayDepartDate); const sevenDaysLater = new Date(departDate); sevenDaysLater.setDate(sevenDaysLater.getDate() + 7); this.returnDate = sevenDaysLater; } else { this.returnDate = storedReturnDate; } this.isOneWay = false; }, departureAutoComplete: function (search) { var component = this; term = search ? search : component.selectedDeparture.country_name ? component.selectedDeparture.country_name : ''; component.isSearchingDeparture = true; if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { $.ajax({ url: '/sky_ajax/autosuggest', method: 'GET', data: { 'term': term.replace(' ', ''), 'locale_iso': localeISO, 'types': 'city,airport', }, success: function (response) { component.departureOptions = response; component.isSearchingDeparture = false; }, complete: function () { component.isSearchingDeparture = false; }, error: function () { console.log('api error'); }, }); }, component.debounceDelay); }, arrivalAutoComplete: function (search) { var component = this; term = search ? search : component.selectedArrival.country_name ? component.selectedArrival.country_name : ''; component.isSearchingArrival = true; if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { $.ajax({ url: '/sky_ajax/autosuggest', method: 'GET', data: { 'term': term.replace(' ', ''), 'locale_iso': localeISO, 'types': 'city,airport', }, success: function (response) { component.arrivalOptions = response; component.isSearchingArrival = false; }, complete: function () { component.isSearchingArrival = false; }, error: function () { console.log('api error'); }, }); }, component.debounceDelay); }, }, computed: { roundTripMask() { return { input: 'WWW, D MMM', } }, oneWayMask() { return { input: this.isOneWay ? 'WWWW, DD MMMM' : 'WWW, D MMM' } }, isSearchButtonDisabled() { return ( this.startedSearch || this.selectedDeparture === '' || this.selectedDeparture.length === 0 || this.selectedArrival === '' || this.selectedArrival.length === 0 ) }, selectedCurrency() { if (!localStorage.selectedCurrency) { const currency = {code: 'EUR', symbol: '€'} localStorage.setItem('selectedCurrency', JSON.stringify(currency)) return currency; } else { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('selectedCurrency')); } }, passengersCount: function () { return this.adultsCount + this.childrenCount + this.infantsCount; } }, });

Ai nevoie de bilete catre Atena?

Cel mai mic pret este afisat dupa rezultatele ultimelor cautari efectuate pana la07.06.2024, 08:43.

Conform celei mai recente actualizari, nu exista zboruri directe programate pentru acest itinerar, dar poti rezerva conexiuni convenabile low-cost.
Poti alege, de asem*nea, zboruri directe alternative, acestea sunt afisate in partea de jos a paginii.

Distanta aeriana aproximativa dintre Atena și Bandar Abbas- 3.243 km.
Distanta este calculata ca o linie directa intre puncte fara a lua in considerare traiectoria reala de zbor.

Aeroporturi in Athens:Athens ATH

Aeroporturi in Bandar Abbas:Bandar Abbas BND

Cand planifici sa calatoresti intre aceste locatii, trebuie sa iei in considerare faptul ca acestea se afla in fusuri orare diferite.
Atena este in urma fata de Bandar Abbascu0h 30m.

Informatii despre bilete si rezervari

Pe aceasta pagina poti vedea cateva oferte gasite de utilizatorii nostri in ultimele 6 ore. Daca nu exista nicio oferta, fa o noua cautare.

Orasul de plecare si de destinatie sunt deja selectate, alegeti data sau datele dorite, numarul de pasageri si faceti clic peCauta

Cum sa gasesti cea mai buna oferta de bilete de avion din Atena catre Bandar Abbas?

Ai ajuns aici pentru ca ai cautat pe internet cele mai ieftine bilete de avion pentru rutaAthens (ATH) - Bandar Abbas (BND).Și ai ajuns la locul potrivit - aici vei gasi cele mai bune si mai ieftine oferte de zbor si informatii utile pentru calatoria tacatre Bandar Abbas și Iran.

Cum sa rezervi bilete de avion din Atena catre Bandar Abbas?

Biletele de avion in 2024 se rezerva complet online - rapid, ieftin si simplu ca 1, 2, 3.

  1. 1Fa o cautare si alege o oferta
  2. 2Completeaza detaliile pasagerilor, selecteaza bagajele si serviciile
  3. 3Plateste si rezerva biletul de avion

Atat de simplu! Biletele de avion sunt emise electronic, sunt trimise la adresa de e-mail si pot fi accesate pe site-ul web unde ai rezervat.

Atena → Bandar Abbas (6)

Hoteluri| Bandar Abbas

Gaseste hotel

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Atena → Bandar Abbas (2024)


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6118

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.