The Prattville Progress from Prattville, Alabama (2024)

THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1955 THE PRATTVILLE PROGRESS "THE FOUNTAIN Personal Social Happenings TELEPHONES: Office 6882 Residence 6122 Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Chicago were recent guests of friends in Prattville. Mr. and Mrs.

Noah Cox and sons of Memphis spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Godwin. Dr. Nell Wadsworth of Atlanta spent several days last week with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. D. Wadsworth. Mrs.

Guy Rice and Mrs. Grady Kelly will leave today to spend several days at Lake Junaluska, N. C. Buddy Paul as the guest of his cousin, Jessie Paul, of Wetumpka, has returned from a week's trip to California. Miss Willodean Rawlinson of New Orleans will arrive Sunday to spend a vacation with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Rawlinson of Vida. Mr.

and Mrs. A. R. Tatum and children of Augusta, Georgia will spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R.

M. Alexander. Miss Letta Ree Alexander was in York during the weekend where she was an attendant in the Jones Arrington wedding. Mr. and Mrs.

Adolphus Barefield and daughter arrived Sunday from Germany where he had an army assignment. For the present they are guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.

Barefield. Miss Gloria Cannady of Twin City, Georgia spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paul. Mrs.

Louis Kilpatrick is in Haleyville guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scott, Jr. Mrs. Grover Holloway of Monroe, La.

is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. W.I A. Justice. Mary Ellen Palmer and Lee Palmer of DeKalb, Miss. are guests of their aunt, Mrs.

J. E. Trice and Mr. Trice. Ensign and Mrs.

Lawrence Connor of Pensacola, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Elmer Harris: and children, Lucile, Rod and Mary Ellen, of Jackson, Miss.

are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moncrief.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Northing-1 ton and children of Augusta, Georgia will spend the holiday week-end with Prattville relatives. Mary Margaret Livingston and Jim A. Livingston III of Birmingham are guests of Misses Jennie Quinn and Sallie Mae Gresham.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Godwin and Katrina enroute to Panama City, Florida for the weekend attended the Wood-Wilkerson wedding in Columbia Saturday. Katrina was a flower girl. 'If You Can Keep It" Miss Bonnie Molay of gomery is the guest of Mrs.

R. M. Drew. Joanne Evans and Evans of Columbus, are guests of their ents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest ans. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Grover sons and daughter, Montgomery, Mrs. G.

sons and son, Bill, of ville spent the week-end Panama, Fla. deep sea Mr. and Mrs. Clyde and family had as their Sunday, Rev. John Serrell, rol Moncrief, Linda, Doyle Gerald Crowell and Parsons.

Mrs. S. C. Skemp will July 6th by plane to month with Mrs. Kenneth vell (Mary Ann Skemp) vington, Calif.

and Mrs. Peaco*ck in Orinda, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Archie of Greenville and Mr.

Grover Head of Campbell, were week-end guests and Mrs. Calvin White City. Dr. D. L.

Wilkinson of loosa, Mrs. Lena Brown mingham, Mrs. Eugenia and Mrs. Lena Chesnutt Minette will arrive to spend several days and Mrs. J.

E. Wilkinson. Mrs. J. M.

Moore Martha Moore of Camden, and Mrs. Lawrence Birmingham, Mr. and Moore of Montgomery Joe Narramore and Tuscaloosa were guests of Mrs. J. H.

and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph sell. Oh; not yet lay by thy sword, Freedom' Nor yet close thy lids in slumber. For thine enemy never sleeps, And thou must watch and combat.

-William Cullen Bryant Painting SERVICE Magazine, a publication of Cities Service Company As Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall, a woman asked him, "Mr. Franklin, what kind of a government have you given us?" He answered gravely, "A Republic, madam, if you keep In painting this Independence Day scene in Hometown, U.S.A., the artist, E. Franklin Wittmack, has found an echo of Franklin's warning in a quotation from the poet William Cullen Bryant. The historic scene of Magna Charta, the signal light on old North Church Tower, the embattled "rebels" of a great new symbolize the hard-won victories, and the priceless freedom, which, on Independence Day are given every Hometown in the -not done to celebrate, but to protect. The Bank Of Prattville Will Be Closed All Day MONDAY JULY 4th.

INSURE of. Prattvilli PRATTVILLE, ALABAMA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TORN PAGE Mr. and Ernest Georgia grandparEv- L. ParShelia, of C. ParPratt- at fishing.

Monfee guests Caand Chester leave spend a Loin IrDan C. Taylor and Mrs. Tex. of Mr. Taylor at of BirMoss of Bay Thursday BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Scott. Jr. of Haleyville announce the arrival of a son, Herman Allan, on Tuesday, June 21st, at a Haleyville hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Max Milton announce the arrival of a son, Max Steven, on Monday, June 27th, at a Montgomery hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William all (Mary Graham Ford) of Orlando, Florida announce the arrival of a daughter, Laura Livon June 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rausch (Thelma Kilpatrick) of Huntington, N. Y. announce the ar-! rival of a daughter, Kathryn Ann, on June 27th.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wright (Bama Williams), of Arlington, announce the arrival of a son, Andrew Lee, on June 15th. Alan Swinhart Celebrates Birthday with Dr.

Mrs. Louise Swinhart entertained at a weiner roast Friday and Miss afternoon at Parkland compliMr. menting her son, Alan, who was Gafford of celebrating his 10th birthday. Mrs. Joe Baseball, badminton Mr.

horseshoes were diversion. and of Guests included Charles and Johnny week- end David Tatum of Augusta, GeorNarramore gia, Gene and Bibo Frye, Dick Rus- Duncan, Lowell Poole, Ray Kirkpatrick, Jimmy Sanford. Larry Parker, Charlie Morrison, Miss Elizabeth Steere and Mr. and Mrs. G.

C. Starcher. S.F.C. and Mrs. Ray Tatum and children, Kenny, Kathy and Paul, who have been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Tatum and Mr. and Mrs.

Durwood Smith left Tuesday for Japan. Friends of Lt. Bobby Gaddis will be interested to know that he was recently promoted to first lieutenant. Lt. Gaddis has an Army assignment in England.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. have returned to their home in Montgomery from an extended visit with relatives in Delpaso, Calif.

They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Grant and children. Mrs. Marshall Deason and sons, Chip and Gary, of Bethesda.

Md. and Mr. L. T. (Ron) Reeves of Birmingham were Sunday guests of their uncle, Mr.

G. P. Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. M.

S. Posey. Rev. and Mrs. J.

Leighton Scott (Sabra Mae Chunn), formerly of West Memphis, visited Mrs. H. M. Doster TuesIday. The Scotts were en route (to Belle Glade, Florida where he has accepted the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tatum had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Sullivan and son, Douglas, of Magnolia, Robert Sullivan, New York, N. Fred Sullivan and son, Tim, of Amarillo, Texas and Jerry Davis of New Orleans. ADAMS-MIMS ADAMS-MIMS Mr. and Mrs.

John F. Anderson announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Ruby Mims, to Charles E. Adams of Gadsden. The ceremony was performed at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 25th, in Huntsville with Rev.

Edward Anderson, cousin of the bride, officiating. Following the ceremony Rev. and Mrs. Anderson entertained at a reception. Among the out of town guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Howlard Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson and son, Mr. J.

D. Anderson, Miss Lurline Anderson and Nolen Mims. WANT ADS GET RESULTS Ceremony At Ridgeview Of Wide Interest At a ceremony which will be solemnized quietly, but impressively, this evening, June 17th, Mrs. Mary Trimble Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Herschell Trimble, will become the bride of Joseph Eugene Mitchell, son of Mrs. J. E. Mitchell of Autaugaville and the late Mr. Mitchell.

Ridgeview will be the scene of the candlelight ceremony at which the Rev. Clinton Henderson, minister of education at Vine Street Christian Church will officiate. The vows will be exchanged before the drawing room mantel which will be banked with clusters of palms and huckleberry foliage and centered with a fanshaped arrangement of specimen blossoms. The bride has chosen for the occasion a street-length model of pink tissue taffeta with which she will wear hormonlizing accessories. Caught to the neckline of her gown will be a cluster of white orchids.

Mrs. Trimble, mother of the bride will be attired in a natural lace frock accented by purple orchid. Her accessories will be in the matching shade. Immediately following the ceremony a reception will be given for the limited guest company. The bride's table will be centered with an arrangement of pink blossoms and fern and further adorned with a tiered wedding cake.

Miss Lucile Maddux will preside at the punch bowl which will be arranged at one end of the board and assisting in serving will be Mrs. Miller Felts and Mrs. John Plummer. Later in the evening Mr. Mitchell and his bride will leave for a two weeks' wedding trip to Panama City, which they will make their home at 3104 Overlook Drive.

For traveling the bride will wear a biege linen suit and brown and white accessories. The bride was graduated from Vanderbilt University where she held membership in Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. A former American Airlines stewardess, she is a member of the faculty at Ransom School. Mr. Mitchell received his preparatory school education in Autaugaville and is now connected with the National Cash Register here.

Out-of-town guests here for the wedding include: Mrs. W. B. Felts of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Edwards of Russellville, and James Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jackson of Autaugaville.

(From--The Nashville Banner, Friday, June 17th, 1955). -CASILLAS Mr. and Mrs. P. A.

Casillas of San Antonio, Teas announce the marriage of their daughter, Belinda, to Eugene Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murray.

The ceremony was performed Monday, June 20th, by Rev. John 0. Richardson at the pastorium. Mr. and Mrs.

Murray are making their home in Prattmont. RL Association Met In Wetumpka Members of the Ed Thornhill RLC Association and Auxiliary met Saturday night at Sam's Cafe in Wetumpka. Among those from Prattville who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dennis, Mr.

and Mrs. Hodges Golson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Philbrick and Mr. W.

Luther Jones. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. S.

Posey and Mr. G. P. Reeves were Mrs. N.

H. nels, Nelda and Julian, of Richland, Georgia; Mr. and Mrs. B. E.

Reeves and Buddy. Mr. and Mrs. T. W.

Smith and Mike, Mr. and J. C. Mims and son and Mrs. Jack Mims, of Clanton; Mr.

and Mrs. T. B. Posey and Mr. and Mrs.


Mrs. Ruby Mims Feted At Tea Shower Mrs. Ruby Mims, whose marriage to Charles Adams of Gadsden took place Saturday, was complimented Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Jasper Buckner and Miss Lurline Anderson entertained at a teashower at the home of the ter on Chestnut Street. Receiving with the honoree and the hostesses was Mrs.

John Anderson, mother of the honoree: The reception rooms were decorated with lovely arrangements of summer flowers. Mrs. Alton Anderson registered the guests. The refreshment table, covered with hand-made lace, was centered with a crystal punch bowl encircled with greenery and white gladioli and flanked by crystal candelabra holding lighted tapers. Mrs.

Perry Goodson presided at the punch service and Mrs. J. E. Trice, Mrs. Howard Anderson and Mrs.

Freddie Jones served dainty sandwiches, cookies, mints and nuts. Fifty guests called durthe appointed hours of 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. Bridal Couple Honored Miss Myrtis White and John Davidson whose marriage took place June 23rd in St. Andrews Catholic Church, in Montgomery, were honored Tuesday evening, June 21st when Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Carwile entertained with a barbecue at their home on Martin Boulevard. Candles and hurricane lamps lighted the garden where the tables were arranged. Mrs. John B. Davidson, mother of the groom, and Mrs.

Byron DeLoach of Montgomery, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White, parents of the bride, were a- mong those included in this hospitality.

Frank Smith Pittman, III On Spring Honor Roll At Washington and Lee Frank Smith Pitmman III, of Prattville, was one of 49 Washington and Lee University students whose names appear on the Spring Semester Honor Roll released on June 21st by the office of the Registrar. Pittman, a junior at Washington and Lee majoring in pre-medical studies, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.

Pittman, Jr. To qualify for the Honor Roll. a student must make a minimum equivalent of three A's and two B's for a normal 15-hour semester study program. During the past year Pittman held the Elizabeth Cave Drye Scholarship. He has also been the recipient of the German departmental scholarship.

Dr. John P. Mims Completes Internship Dr. John P. Mims.

Vida, has completed his internship at Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee, and will take post-graduate work in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. At Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, he will do post-graduate work in obstetrics and genecology. He will return to Nashville's Thayer Veterans Hospital for further work in surgery. John Thomas Bice Passed Away John Thomas Bice, 63, died at his home near Deatsville Monday afternoon, June 20th. Survivors are the widow, Mrs.

Sarah E. Bice, Deatsville; six sons, Clyde Bice, Frank Bice, Mobile, Warren Bice, U. S. Navy, and Preston, Virgil and Willie B. Bice, all of Montgomery; three daughters, Mrs.

Myrtice Grant, Jackson, and Misses Dean and Carolyn Bice, both of Deatsville: two brothers, Jack Bice, Deatsville, and Ed Bice, Montgomery; three sisters, Mrs. Dollie Post and Mrs. Alma Cook, both of Montgomery, and Mrs. Lena Calloway, Holtville; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held? Bride Elect Complimented Miss Mary Ruth Spigener, whose marriage to Arthur Richard Driskill will take place Sunday, July 3rd, was complimented Friday afternoon when Mrs.

W. H. Moncrief entertained at her lovely new home on Upper Kingston Street. The attractiveness of the reception rooms was added to by arrangements of roses, dahlias and gladioli. Receiving with the hostess and the honoree were her mother, Mrs.

J. E. Spigener and her sister, Miss Eva Jo Spigener. Mrs. Jack Platt presided over the guest register.

Punch was served by Mrs. Whit Moncrief and Mrs. Jim Striplin. Miss Sara Louise Gaddis and Miss Beth Ann Summerville served an ice course. Mrs.

F. L. Gaddis, Mrs. M. G.

Moncrief, Miss Claudia Smith, and Mrs. H. M. Doster assisted. in the amenities.

Approximately seventy five guests called during the hours from 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock. Lyric 'Your Friendly Theater' FRIDAY Only JULY 1st 'ABOUT MRS. LESLIE" with SHIRLEY BOOTH 'ATOMIC INVADERS' CARTOON Saturday Only JULY 2nd "TWO GUNS AND A BADGE'. with WAYNE MORRIS COMEDY SUN. MON.


The Prattville Progress from Prattville, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.