The Sims 3 World Adventures Tips for Exploring Tombs (2024)


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Carl's Tips for the Sims 3 World Adventures

General Help for Being a Great Tomb Raider

The Sims 3 World Adventures Tips for Exploring Tombs (1)

With this guide, I hope to provide tips for adventuring and raiding tombs in The Sims 3's World Adventures expansion pack. I'd like to do so without spoiling the game for new players. We'll discuss most of the basics of searching dungeons and getting past the puzzles inside.

Fly Solo
Sure, family vacations can be fun and a great way to take the kids to a new land. However, if your goal is to raid tombs, you're going to find it's better to take a single Sim on adventures. Why? All that multi-tasking will really get on your nerves unless both Sims are together. Even then you'll need to move them in tandem. Plan adventures with a single Sim in mind and you'll get much more done without all the frustration. After all, no one back home will age while your Sim's travelling.

Don't Worry About Death -- Except for the Mummy's Curse
I have yet to have a Sim die in a tomb. Sims get too freaked to risk touching a fire trap a second time and protect themselves from harm. No matter how many times my Sim gets shocked, flamed or blasted with high pressure water they haven't died. The only danger lies in Egypt, which has the most challenging tombs and features the new way to die - the mummy's curse. Even if your Sim gets cursed they have a sizable amount of time to try to break it. This can be done by visiting the Sphinx and making it to the soulpeace statue.

If you want to prepare yourself for the possibility your Sim gets cursed and want to break it quickly, buy a snake charming basket from the general store in Al Simhara, Egypt. Practice charming snakes and your Sim will get better and better. Eventually they can buy a king cobra for the basket for $1,000 Simoleons. Do this by clicking the basket while it's in your inventory. Once your Sim can kiss the cobra reliably they are essentially immune to the curse because they should be able to give him a nice big smack on the fangs before they die of the curse.

The Mummy's Curse can be avoided entirely by getting practice in the martial arts skill. You need high level martial arts and athletics to boot to be able to kick a mummy's butt with any certainty. They're slow but rough to take on in a fight. Losing a fight to a mummy doesn't always result in the curse, sometimes your Sim just gets knocked unconscious.

Mummy snacks might give your Sim some time to search a sarcophagus and escape the mummy entirely. They can be purchased from the special merchant but take ancient coins to do so.

I Recommend Starting in China
Not only does Shang Simla, China have some of the easiest tombs to raid, and the cheapest travel price, it's also the home of martial arts and Pangu's Axe. You need the axe to get past boulders and it makes clearing rubble inside tombs a breeze. What's more, if you get to a puzzle you just can't get past, you can meditate and be able to zeneport past the problem area. It takes 3 and a half hours to meditate to this point but only requires level 5 in martial arts.

Be Prepared
Traveling is expensive, especially if you want to do it with a new Sim. The cheapest destination is China, and it costs about $1300 at the base cost. You shouldn't head out without spending money so plan to take at least 2,000 Simoleons with you. That way, you can afford all the necessities for crawling through dungeons and tombs. It's a real bummer to get to a new world and be flat broke. Items aren't very expensive, but you need a variety of things to get by.

The Sims 3 World Adventures Tips for Exploring Tombs (2)

Travel with Another Sim
As shown in the screenshot above, it's definitely possible to travel longer than 18 days with multiple Sims in the group. Work on making two of your Sims well-travelled and they could eventually reach a combined total of 36 days. This works for up to 4 Sims and could reach a whopping 72 days of travel time.

The Bare Necessities for an Adventurer
The first place you need to hit up if you want to successfully complete a tomb is the general goods merchant in whichever country you visit. They're always found at the marketplace, which is a blue location in map mode. From there, you need to purchase several items:

These aren't always necessary on an adventure, as many tombs have beds your Sim can sleep in. Also, there's sometimes inadequate space to place them. However, you should strive to get one to keep on your Sim at all times. It is extremely frustrating to be in the middle of a tomb raid and have your Sim run out of energy. All the time spent investigating rooms adds up quickly and some tombs may take a couple days' worth of time to complete. There are three types of tent available, all are the same size but give better energy boosts depending on the cost.

Your Sim can buy a basic tent for $220. The better option, purchasable with Simoleons cost $2700. Once your Sim has earned VISA level 3 in one of the locatons you can purchase the Sultan's Tabernacle with 2,500 ancient coins. This is the very best option and gives a great night's sleep in the form of a 'Slept like a King' moodlet. It's vital that you remember once your Sim wakes up you need to place the tent in your inventory. You don't want to forget it!

Dried Food
This is another staple for the adventurer. You won't be able to keep food in your inventory for a long period of time because it'll spoil. Thankfully, the World Adventures expansion has a solution in the form of dried foods. They never spoil! The highest quality dried food costs $40 and does give a short good meal moodlet. You can't expect this to boost your Sim's mood nearly as much as a nice sit down dinner but it's a wonderful commodity to have along on a trip. Buy this at the general store along with the other essentials.

You'll often find dried foods in tombs. I tend to toss the lower quality stuff but it's helpful when you're just getting started. Eventually you'll want to buy a lot of these to keep for avoiding repeat trips to the general store.

If your Sim is strapped for cash, they can bring fruit along to satisfy the hunger need, since apples and other produce don't spoil while in the inventory.

Shower in a Can
While you might not care if your Sim isn't in the best mood or very clean while they're on an adventure, you must remember that bad hygiene will put them in a bad mood and lower the rate you'll gain your lifetime happiness points. Thankfully, shower in a can fits the bill. It doubles as a method for removing the singed moodlet your Sim will get when they're electrocuted or hit with fire while in a tomb. It's a quick way to remove the moodlet allowing them a chance to disarm or cross by a nasty trap. These are expensive at $120 each, but vital. Keep several on your Sim at all times. Eventually you'll want to buy a fat stack to keep you going for long periods of time to avoid continuing trips to the general store.

Skeleton Keystones
These require VISA level 2 and 400 ancient coins to purchase. It's expensive, but can come in handy. I really recommend you hold onto any you purchase until you're sure a particular tomb doesn't have the key you need. They only work for common types of keys, such as the heart and crescent keystones. You'll need specific keys for more complex locks.

Fun? Not really needed.
Tomb raiding is an exciting experience for Sims. While they won't have a blast while they're searching through tombs, their fun need will level off. You could bring a portable fun option such as a guitar, but why waste the precious time? If you insist your Sim stay in an amazing mood, consider purchasing a snake charming basket from Egypt's general store. It's good practice for the event where you need to break the mummy's curse, and you'll have a blast to boot.

Types of Triggers
There are numerous types of switches to be found in the dungeons in World Adventures. The very simplest are footpads, which have two feet on them. Stepping on them causes something to happen in the tomb. Follow the sparkles to see what door was unlocked or what other triggers could have been revealed.

Switches that require weight also exist. You'll need to drag statues on top of these types of switches, which feature a sun-type symbol. Watch out for holes on the ground or situated in walls where your Sim can find treasure and often a switch to get past a door or trap.

There are dive pools in tombs which often connect to another pool. You may also find switches and treasure inside. Diving into one spot a few times in a row can also be useful because the Sim might not find everything on the first attempt. These pools are also useful for getting past fire traps because getting soaked can prevent the pain from fire.

Rarely you may also need to flip a torch on the wall. This only happens a few times in my experience and is not nearly as common as the other types of triggers.

The last type you'll need to really watch out for. You can sometimes inspect walls to find entrances to hidden rooms. You'll need to rotate the camera a lot to see them and they can be difficult to spot at times even using cutaway walls mode. Bring the walls up or use the bottom border of the wall to search for places that can be inspected. Often these walls will be discolored or different in some way.

Types of Traps
I've encountered five types of traps in the Sims 3 World Adventures. Fire, Water, Electricity, Steam and Darts. Once you've got past a trap it is generally disarmed. Your Sim may be able to disarm some of them on their own. Having experience in the handiness skill may help to make this more possible but it's unclear. If you get hit by a fire or electricity trap, head to the nearest dive well or use a shower in a can to eliminate the fear and allow them to attempt to disarm it. If they can't, they can sometimes attempt to cross or look for a trigger to disable it otherwise. Traps aren't really dangerous in this game, but more a nuisance and barrier that gets in your way.

Bring Your Camera
There are a lot of unique shots that can only be achieved while inside a dungeon. How could you get a nice picture of a floor trap or a mummy for your collection without having a camera handy inside a tomb? Even a bad camera can be useful. I recommend reading my Photography Guide to get the most out of your shots.

Save up those relic collections you pick up during your adventures. Taking shots of them assembled can become very high value photos.

Collections and Fragments
As stated above, assembling collections can make great photographic shots so you don't want to sell them until you've at least got a picture. You'll also find fragments of items like sarcophagi and other items on your travels. Save them up and assemble them at home.

Improving this Guide
Join our Sims 3 Forum to post a correction or suggestion to this guide. World Adventures is new and we are striving to provide the most accurate information possible. So join up and post a tip to help your fellow Simmers in their adventures!

The Sims 3 World Adventures
ChinaEgyptFranceMartial ArtsNectar Making
PhotographyMummiesPangu's AxeTomb Raiding TipsTomb Building
The Sims 3 World Adventures Tips for Exploring Tombs (2024)


How do you complete the tombs in Sims 3? ›

Stand on the switch and inspect the tomb hole. Go through the unlocked door, find the treasures and go away. Go back to the dive well room (That one with the gold-colored water) and pull the statue to the gear switch and go through the unlocked door, collect the treasures and now you're done. You found all rooms.

How to cure mummy curse in Sims 3? ›

Eventually, the Sim can attempt to charm a King Cobra. Get even better, and the Sim will actually kiss the King Cobra in the act of charming it. If a Sim pulls this off while under the Mummy's Curse, he will immediately be cured.

How to enter the secret base in Egypt Sims 3? ›

There's no sign of a secret base, but if you use the toilet, you'll trigger a staircase in the bedroom, as well as discover a sequence of numbers: 2341. Go downstairs and you'll find four floor panels; remember the numbers to figure out which order to step on them.

Where is the Ancient Monk Retreat in Sims 3? ›

Once you're level five, head to the Scholar's Garden, click on your Sim, and choose Meditate. When you report back to Shing, he'll give you the key to the Ancient Monk Retreat, where you'll be searching for another relic. Also known as the Resolute Fist Retreat, you'll find it on your map near the Scholar's Garden.

Where is the secret cave in Sims? ›

The secret cave — properly called Dreadhorse Caverns — is located in the Galloping Gulch neighbourhood, which is the northernmost area of the Chestnut Ridge world as you look at the map.

How do you complete the tomb of the fallen? ›

You must slide a pedestal onto a square pressure plate, and you must place a flanged orb onto a round pressure plate. The challenge is finding these pedestals and orbs, and returning them to the pressure plates. Once the gate is opened, enter the tomb and retrieve the loot to complete the tomb.

What is the cheat to unlock hidden islands in Sims 3? ›

You can skip the process of unlocking all the islands the legitimate way by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C during gameplay to bring up the cheats console, then typing in testingCheatsEnabled true. Now press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the console again, then finish up by typing in unlockAllUnchartedIslands.

Where is the unicorn Sims 3? ›

Unicorns appear only between 8pm and 5am only - so every night go to map view and 'spy' on both fishing lots or a science center (Cinnamon Falls and the water plant) at the same time from 8pm till 5am. Keep doing so until a glowing dust cloud forms over a fishing lot. Underneath that is a unicorn.

Where is the mysterious door in Sims 3? ›

The Crash Site is one of the default wasteland lots in Oasis Landing. This is the only wasteland that has a Mysterious Door. To open the shell's Mysterious Door, a player must find mysterious fragments and after finding them, the fragments will turn into a mysterious key by sending them to Emit Relevart.

Where is the vault of antiquity Sims 3? ›

The Vault of Antiquity is a rabbithole that comes with Supernatural. It's only pre-placed in Moonlight Falls. If you're playing another world, you need to place it somewhere first.

Where is the fairy house in Sims 3? ›

Fairy Houses

These are available in Buy Mode in the Comfort sort and Miscellaneous subsort. There are two Fairy Houses for sale: the Fairy Bungalow for $475, and the Fairy Castle for $625. Each has the same function: to serve as nearly a full, functional home that only fairies can access.

Where is the death tomb depths keystone in Sims 3? ›

The death tomb keystone is under the big tree in the pond room, that keystone opens the door to a tomb at the bottom level, once you complete that level it will lead you to the relic of eternity.

How do you get through the chateau du Landgraab in Sims 3? ›

Chateau du Landgraab

The trap by the wide stairs can't be disabled, but you can push and pull the statue onto it to disarm it. Use the key and enter the library. Loot both chests for some treasure and the letter you need, and report back to Jean Luc.

How do you find a dead Sims grave in Sims 3? ›

In fact, the graves of active household sims should appear somewhere near where they expired. Graves of other sims end up in the mausoleum in the Manage the dead option if said sim is known (or perhaps a friend) of someone in your active household.

How do you beat the mummy in Sims 3? ›

A mummy can be defeated if a Sim has sufficient Athletics and Martial Arts skill, which can be trained in Shang Simla, or in museums with martial art items, such as France. As mummies are vulnerable to fire, they can be tricked onto hidden fire traps, incinerating them.

How do you get rid of the occult in Sims 3? ›

To remove the "Vampire" occult status from all sims in town, follow these steps :
  1. Install MasterController Cheats.
  2. Click on the City Hall rabbithole (you can do so from Map View by clicking on the map tag)
  3. Navigate the menu : "NRaas \ Master Controller \ Sim \ Intermediate \ Occult"


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